Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Authors' Guidelines
1. Scope of solicitation
Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves is an academic journal approved by the National Press and Publication Administration, supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, sponsored by the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Optical Society, and published by Science Press. Its purpose is to promote academic democracy, activate academic thought, promote academic exchanges between domestic and foreign peers, and promote the continuous development of infrared and millimeter wave science and technology. Its feature is to reflect the latest research results and technological progress in the field of infrared and millimeter waves. The journal formerly known as "Infrared Research", was founded in 1982. According to the needs of discipline development and international academic exchanges, it has been called "Journal of Infrared and millimeter waves" since 1991, so that the subject coverage of the journal extends from infrared to millimeter wave band, filling the gap in the field of millimeter wave academic journals in China. The journal has been indexed by SCI, EI, CA , SA/INSPEC , JICST , AJ , SCOPUS , "METADEX" and other internationally famous retrieval systems.
The field of infrared and millimeter wave science and technology is an interdisciplinary subject of information science and physics. It is an important frontier field of current information technology, and its level reflects a country's core competitiveness in science & technology and military. The Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves mainly reports the new concepts, new achievements and new progress in the field of infrared, millimeter waves and terahertz. Publications include innovative research papers and research briefs, international and domestic advanced level academic papers and high-level reviews, experimental reports with detailed data, reliable results and practical significance, domestic and foreign application technology articles, research briefs of phased scientific research results and letters with advanced level on infrared physics, terahertz science and technology, remote sensing and space exploration, optical properties of condensed matter, low energy excitation processes (including low-dimensional systems and electronic structure meters), femtosecond spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, infrared optoelectronics and millimeter wave technology (including components, systems and applications, intelligent information technology and artificial neural networks, biomedical optics research, etc.). English research papers are not subject to publication cycle and will be preferentially published after acceptance.
2. Submission requirements
2.1 Online submission: http://journal.sitp.ac.cn/hwyhmb/, please upload the manuscript in word format.
2.2 Please recommend 1 to 2 reviewers (who are not in the same institution or region as the author) and provide their main research direction, institution, mailing address, telephone number and Email address.
2.3 Please mark the first author and corresponding author (including birth year, title, degree, main research direction and Email address) on the footer of the first page.
3. Text and length
3.1 It is required that the theme is prominent, the idea is novel, the argument is correct and sufficient, the data is real and reliable, the text is concise, the organization is clear, and the language is smooth. The paper focuses on the author's own innovative content.
3.2 Abstract: The paper is a reporting abstract with the third person narration. The contents include the purpose, methods, results and conclusions of the study. Both Chinese and English abstracts should be about 500 words.
3.3 Keywords: give at least 5 keywords per paper. The Chinese and English keywords are listed after the Chinese and English abstracts.
3.4 Chinese Library classification number: according to the "Chinese Library Classification" (the 6th edition), please list after the Chinese keywords.
4. Illustrations and tables
4.1 Illustration: The graphics in the paper strive to be few and precise, and are arranged in the corresponding position in the paper. Please indicate the title (in Chinese and English) and note (in English).
4.2 Table: please use the three-line table (no vertical line), and auxiliary lines can be added. Put the table in the appropriate position in the paper, tables, graphics, and text contents cannot be repeated.
5. Reference
References are indicated in superscript with square brackets where they are cited in the paper (no bibliography can be included in large or small headings). There are generally no less than 15 references. The references included must be those that the author has personally read and directly cited in the paper, the most important, and published in a formal publication. The online publication cited must be a fixed, consistently accessible literature. The journal encourages authors to fully reflect the relevant papers published by domestic and foreign counterparts in their own papers.
6. Acceptance and rejection
6.1 Acceptance: The final opinions will be made within 1-3 months from the date of submission of the manuscript that has passed the preliminary examination.
Accepted manuscripts, in accordance with the spirit of the relevant documents of the China Association for Science and Technology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, will be charged the appropriate page fee. After the paper is published, the first author of each paper will be provided with 2 copies of the sample issue, and the author will be paid.
7. Special statement
7.1 We will use academic misconduct software for testing, be sure to achieve integrity standards, do not submit more than one draft or plagiarize, etc., otherwise your own responsibility. If the above behavior is found, the journal will notify the professional journals, investigate the loss caused to the journal, and no longer accept the author's paper within two years.
7.2 The confidentiality review of the paper shall be carried out by the work unit of the author, and the editorial department shall not be responsible for it. If necessary, the author shall ask the work unit to issue a certificate that can be published.
7.3 The copyright transfer agreement needs to be signed by all authors. After the publication of the journal, the author's copyright (including the copyright of various media) is transferred to the editorial department of the Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, but the author still retains the right to use the work in fair use, learning, research or teaching.
Editorial Board, Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335