Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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A successful CONFERENCE
MIOMD-XIII had been held in Beijing, China, 2016
The international Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices Conference (MIOMD) is a popular and unique and continuous forum with a history of 20 years. It brings together scientists and engineers from all over the world to discuss recent progress and future trends in the area of mid-infrared and THz optoelectronics from materials, devices to applications. It covers topics of novel infrared and THz materials, materials growth and characterization, infrared and THz emitters and detectors, and applications of infrared optoelectronics. The first conference in this series was held at the Lancaster in UK in 1996, organized by Professor Anthony Krier from Lancaster University. Since 2010, the MIOMD is now held on a bi-annual basis and rotates between Europe, Asia and American. After the success of MIOMD-X(2010) in Shanghai and MIOMD-XI(2012) in Chicago and MIOMD-XII(2014) in Montpellier. In 2016 the conference returns to the Asian, and now it was held at the Friendship Palace of Friendship Hotel in Beijing from 18th to 22nd September. The next conference will be held at Arizona State University, USA, 2018.
This year 2016 MIOMD-XIII is honored to have Prof. Markus-C. Amann, Prof. Sivalingam Sivananthan,Prof. Alessandro Tredicucci, Prof. Weida Hu and Prof. Ruiqing Yang to be the plenary speakers.
Prof. Markus-C. Amann from the Walter Schottky Institute, Technical University of Munich made a speech on the subject of "Materials and Device Concepts for MIR VCSELs" .He presented the recent progress on advanced material concepts and quantum well designs to improve the performances of long-wavelength InP- and GaSb-based lasers and VCSELs.
Prof. Sivalingam Sivananthan from the University of Illinois at Chicago presented a talk of“IR Technology Based on MBE HgCdTe: Current Status and Future Directions”. Dr. Sivananthan’s talk focused on making large area, small pixel pitch, high operating temperature and low cost FPAs using MCT grown by MBE on CdTe/Si substrates. Dr. Sivananthan proposed a processing method called wafer-to-wafer production to reduce the cost while remaining device high performance.
Prof. Alessandro Tredicucci from the University of Pisa made a speech on the subject of “Tunable infrared response of nanostructures”.He presented the recent progress on nanoplasmonics exploits light-matter interaction in nanostructures as a tool to tailor the optical response well below the diffraction limit.
Prof. Ruiqing Yang from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Oklahoma, made a speech entitled “Interband Cascade Lasers and Related Devices”. He reviewed the unique features and advantages of interband cascade lasers and relevant optoelectronic devices along with their recent advances in several aspects of device development, including a mid-IR system on a chip and vertical cavity surface emitting lasers, and stressed that quantum engineered interband cascade structures are building blocks for many functional devices and integrated systems, expecting to have great potential and more applications in the future.
Prof. Weida Hu from National Laboratory for Infrared Physics, Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, made a speech on the subject of “Localized-field enhanced two-dimensional material infrared photodetectors”. He presented the recent progress on infrared photodetectors based on two-dimensional materials, and stressed that the localized-field enhanced approach is very important to produce controllable, robust, and high-performance two-dimensional photodetectors and a crucial step for further practical applications.
Fifteen invited speakers presented talks on infrared detectors, quantum cascade lasers, materials on infrared optoelectronics etc.
Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics(SITP) hosted the conference. The SITP local organizing committee has been working tirelessly under Conference Chair Professor Li He for the last 6 months to make sure every aspect of the conference will meet the high standards and expectations from MIOMD conferences over the years. The SITP local organizing committee has tried to make everyone will have such a fantastic and wonderful memory of MIOMD-XIII in the beautiful autumn Beijing! With the generous of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics and the Key Laboratory of Infrared Imaging Materials and Detectors, and other sponsor’s supports, MIOMD-XIII will become a great conference in the MIOMD history!
To celebrate the latest breakthroughs in this period, the MIOMD-XIII scientific committee strives to cover the lasts achievements and future trends in the fields with comprehensive reviews in its program.
And with the help of the Editorial Office of Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Wave, we are able to publish the conference abstracts and the full pdf files are available and can be downloaded now ⇒ click here
Should you have any further comments and questions about the conference, please feel free to write to the conference organization committee (Mailing address: Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics,500 Yu Tian Road,200083, Shanghai, Email: miomd2016@mail.sitp.ac.cn).
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335