Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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2006, 25(2):81-85.
Abstract:用热丝化学气相沉积方法研究了低温(~550℃)和低反应气压(~7 Torr)下硅片上金刚石膜的成核和生长.成核过程中采用2.5%的CH4浓度,在经充分超声波预处理的硅片上获得了高达1.5×1011cm.的成核密度.随CH4浓度的增加所成膜中的金刚石晶粒尺寸由亚微米转变到纳米级.成功合成了表面粗糙度小于4nm、超薄(厚度小于500nm)和晶粒尺寸小于50nm的纳米金刚石膜.膜与衬底结合牢固.膜从可见光至红外的光吸收系数小于2×104cm-1.用我们常规的HFCVD技术,在低温度和低压下可以生长出表面光滑超薄的纳米金刚石膜.
SU Qing-Feng , XIA Yi-Ben , WANG Lin-Jun , LIU Jian-Min , SHI Wei-Min
2006, 25(2):86-89.
HU Wei-Da , CHEN Xiao-Shuang , QUAN Zhi-Jue , ZHOU Xu-Chang , LU Wei
2006, 25(2):90-94.
SHAN Yong , ZHANG Jing-Zhou , LI Li-Guo
2006, 25(2):95-100.
Abstract:The internal aerodynamic and infrared radiation characteristics for the helicopter infrared radiation suppressor consisted of lobed nozzle and curved mixing duct were studied by numerical calculations. In the computation, the computations of 3-D flow field and wall temperature and infrared radiation are integrated with. Compared with the experimental data, it is indicated that the relative error between the computational and experimental results is about 15%. The spatial distribution of infrared radiation intensity from computation has the same law as that from experiments. And a series of computations are conducted to obtain the effect of model scale on the wall and plume radiations. The results are verified with the nature the physics process.
LI Miao , XU Zhi-Cheng , HUANG Min , YAN Mi , ZHANG Zhi-Liang
2006, 25(2):101-104.
Abstract:以B i2O3/B2O3为主助熔剂和加速坩埚旋转技术改进的高温助熔剂法生长出掺B i复合稀土铁石榴石TbxYbyB i3-x-yFe5O12单晶.研究了该系列晶体材料在近红外通信波段(波长λ=1500~1620nm)处的磁光性能,其中Tb0.91Yb1.38B i0.71Fe5O12单晶有大的比法拉第旋转角-1671.2°/cm(λ=1550nm,25℃),小的饱和磁化强度(4πM s=0.6×106A/m),小的法拉第旋转温度系数(FTC=3.92×10-5/K,λ=1550nm),在λ=1500~1620nm波长范围的法拉第旋转波长系数FWC(25℃)为0.009%/nm,在λ=1500~1620nm波长和25~95℃温度范围内反向隔离度>40dB.综合性能表明TbxYbyB i3-x-yFe5O12适合用作光通讯系统中宽带和温度稳定的高性能光隔离器的法拉第转子材料.
TIAN Jian-Bai , XIONG Bing , WANG Jian , CAI Peng-Fei , SUN Chang-Zheng , LUO Yi
2006, 25(2):105-108.
Abstract:A high-speed submount was designed and fabricated for 40 Gb/s electroabsorption modulators(EAMs),and characterized in the chip-level packaging and testing of an EAM device.The Al_2O_3-based submount contains a coplanar waveguide(CPW) for microwave signal feeding and a Ta_2N thin-film resistor for impedance matching of EA modulator.Ti/Cu/Ni/Au metal is introduced as the CPW electrode material,and good contact with Ta_2N thin-film is guaranteed accordingly.Therefore,the typical reflection coefficient of the submount is reduced to be lower than-21 dB up to 40 GHz.As a demonstration,a high-speed EA modulator was packaged by using the high-speed submount,and the small-signal modulation bandwidth was measured to be over 40 GHz.
XU Wei-Ming , WANG Jian-Yu , SHU Rong , HE Zhi-Ping , FANG Kang-Mei
2006, 25(2):109-112.
Abstract:For the integration system consisting of linear pushbroom imaging spectrometer and GPS/INS integration positioning, geometrical rectification accuracy deriving from position and attitude parameters, focal length measuring and installation angles measuring were analyzed. Moreover, a quantitative result of accuracy was calculated with airborne experimental data.
CHENG Jian , ZHOU Yue , CAI Nian , YANG Jie
2006, 25(2):113-117.
Abstract:The particle filter is an effective technique for the state estimation in non-linear and non-Gaussian dynamic systems. A novel method for infrared object robust tracking based on particle filters was proposed. Under the theory framework of particle filters, the posterior distribution of the infrared object is approximated by a set of weighted samples, while infrared object tracking is implemented by the Bayesian propagation of the sample set. The state transition model is chosen as the simple second-order auto-regressive model, and the system noise variance is adaptively determined in infrared object tracking. Infrared objects are represented by the intensity distribution, which is defined by the kernel-based density estimation. By calculating the Bhattacharyya distance between the object reference distribution and the object sample distribution, the observation probability model is constructed. Experimental results show that our method is effective and steady.
WANG Xiao-Rui , ZHANG Jian-Qi , FENG Zhuo-Xiang , CHANG Hong-Hua
2006, 25(2):118-122.
Abstract:TODT measurement method for characterizing the performance of infrared imaging sensor was introduced briefly. According to the spectrum theory, the spatial spectrum distribution of standard triangle pattern was determined quantitatively. The matched filter concept was adopted to derive the perceived triangle pattern signal and overall noise by the human visual system through infrared imaging system, respectively. On the basis of the perceived signal-to-noise ratio, the TOD performance theoretical model was first determined, and the simulated results was given. Experimental results show that this model can give reasonable prediction of the TOD performance curve for the infrared imaging system.
DONG Guang-Jun , ZHANG Yong-Sheng , FAN Yong-Hong
2006, 25(2):123-126.
Abstract:A model for hyperspeetral data fusion based on OIF method of optimal band selection and wavelet package transformation algorithm was put forward. The first sep of the method is to obtain color fusion imagery by OIF band selection, and then the fusion technique is employed on the basis of wavelet transformation algorithm for image fusion. Hyperspeetral data from PHI and high-resolution aerial image data were used for the study. Experiment shows that the method is effective.
LIMing , FAN Dong-Qi , YIN Chun-Yong
2006, 25(2):127-130.
Abstract:The corresponding relation of laser transmittivity and infrared transmittivity was analyzed. A polynomial fit algorithm was introduced for reckoning laser transmittivity by infrared waveband transmittivity in the same optical paths. The tested results show that the fit error is less than 3% ,as the laser wavelength is in or near infrared waveband.
HU Bi-Ru , WU Wen-Jian , DAI Meng-Yan , WU Xiao-Sen
2006, 25(2):131-134.
Abstract:According to the difficult problems of the smoking screen for camouflage in large area,a new passive jamming method,which can make fog through compound of producing fog,has been put forward.The micro principle of artifical fog was discussed.The micro physical characteristic and photoelectric jamming of fog,which is in different temperature and relative humidity,were investigated.The results show that the fog with high water content has good photoelectric property for obscuring at low temperature and high relative humidity.When the visibility of fog is below 1m,the fog has good obscure effect for the target in 25m,and the target in 40m can't be distinguished from the surroundings on the infrared image.
2006, 25(2):139-142.
Abstract:A novel millimeter wave substrate integrated waveguide(SIW) filter with compact configuration was presented.Its performance is improved apparently while the configuration is compacted.In the designed millimeter wave SIW filters,the length is reduced from 23.1mm of traditional filter to 12mm of novel filter.Measured results show that the stopband rejection of novel filters is more than 54dB,improved at least 12dB compared to the traditional filter with similar performance.The bandwidth of stopband with rejection better than 50dB has been expanded to more than 9GHz.It has a sharper transition characteristic at the upper sideband but still keeps the sharp transition characteristic at the lower sideband and low insertion loss,of the traditional SIW filter.
GAO Qiang , YIN Yan , YAN Dun-Bao , YUAN Nai-Chang
2006, 25(2):143-146.
ZHOU Mi , XU Jun , LUO Sheng-Du , XUE Liang-Jin
2006, 25(2):147-149.
Abstract:A integrated Ka band fourth harmonic mixer with very low conversion loss using a novel 1-D EBG structure was presented. General harmonic mixer theory, and extensive simulation and optimization by compact harmonic balance circuits design software were introduced. The mixer yields the least conversion loss of 7.67dB and the loss is less than 10dB in the whole band, of 34 - 36GHz RF.
WANG Wei-Hua , NIU Zhao-Dong , CHEN Zeng-Ping
2006, 25(2):150-152.
Abstract:For the operating range calculation of staring IR imaging system,traditional operating range model was analyzed and a new model was proposed based on the target image's SNR detection criterion.The contrast of target and background and the IR image's clutter character were considered in this model,and the calculating formula of the operating range restricted by the complex background was derived.The experiment result of the ship-borne staring IR imaging system shows that the new model can be more accurately to calculate the operating range of IR imaging system in complex background.
WU Li-Gang , LIU Da-Fu , ZHU San-Gen , WU Jia-Rong , HONG Si-Min , GONG Hai-Mei
2006, 25(2):153-156.
MA Yan-Hua , WANG Jian-Yu , MA De-Min , SHU Rong
2006, 25(2):157-160.
Abstract:A kind of universal nonlinear vector filter, i. e. , a vector filter based on neighbour-background-detection, was presented. The filter can be used not only in gray images , but also in spectral images , and it can keep the spectral information unchanged during erasing noise and small areas of odd spectral. At the same time it can sharpen the edge of the images in some extension. A practicable algorithm was designed to realize the filter. The experiments on two real remote sensing images show that the filter is helpful for the edge detecting and noise erasing.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335