Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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MA Bao-Shan FANG Zai-Li SU Fu-Hai DING Kun HAN He-Xiang LI Guo-Hua
2003, 22(1):1-7.
Abstract:The Raman spectra of GaP nanorods grown in carbon nanotube templates have been reported. The red shifts of the TO and LO modes were observed due to phonon confinement effect in GaP nanorods. The measured red shifts range from 2 to 10cm -1 depending on the size of the measured nanorods. It has been found that the polarization properties, which cannot be well explained by the selection rules of single nanorod, result from the direction disorder of nanorods in the measured area. The more the disorder is, the weaker the directionality of polarization properties is. The decrease of the Raman frequency of the TO and LO mode of the nanorods with the increasing power of the exciting laser suggests that the heating effect of the nanorods is far stronger than the bulk material. In addition, the saturation and then decrease of the Raman intensity with the increasing laser power indicate the rapid increase of the defects in the nanorods exposed to a strong exciting laser.
2003, 22(1):8-12.
Abstract:A series of Si doped GaN thin films grown on sapphire substrate were measured by Raman spectroscopy. Both high-and low-frequency branches of the longitudinal-optical (LO) phonon and plasmon coupling modes (LPP modes) were resolved. With the increasing of doping level, the LPP mode shifts toward higher frequency. The two branches in each spectrum were independently lineshape-fitted based on scattering analysis, and plasmon frequency and damping constant were obtained, thus the free carrier concentration and mobility could be deduced. The carrier concentration derived from each branch of the single spectrum coincidences with each other, and it is also consistent with infrared (IR) reflection and Hall results. The mobility from the low branch fitting is in agreement with the IR values, and is about half values of the Hall mobility, which is close to the conduction drift mobility in the regime of ionized impurity scattering. The high branch mobility is even smaller, which implies some additional scattering effect.
2003, 22(1):13-17.
ZHENG Yu-Xiang JU Xiao-Hua ZHANG Rong-Jun WANG Song-You LI Jing CHEN Liang-Yao
2003, 22(1):18-22.
Abstract:Optical matrix method was used to analyze the magneto-optical response, light intensity distribution and Joule loss distribution for a magneto-optical multilayer thin film system. Three-dimensional finite element method was applied to determine the temperature profile in the MO disk when it was exposed with a laser beam. The combination of the optical matrix method and finite element method can be used to design the MO disk.
2003, 22(1):23-26.
HUANG Hui , ) XU Jing-Jun ) ZHANG Cun-Zhou ) ZHANG Guang-Yin )
2003, 22(1):27-30.
Abstract:The MOVPE Hg 1-xCd xTe epitaxial film, LPE Hg 1-xCd xTe epitaxial film and Hg 1-xCd xTe bulk wafers grown by ACRT-Bridgman and Te solvent methods were measured by means of Raman microscopy in the room temperature. In all the experimental specimen, the micro-Photoluminescence emission centered above the bottom of Hg 1-xCd xTe conduction band about 1.5eV were observed for the first time. It is confirmed that the micro-photoluminescence was induced by the Te ion vacancy resonance level.
WANG Song-You ZHOU Peng GAO Xiao-Yong ZHENG Yu-Xiang LI Jing YANG Yue-Mei CHEN Liang-Yao
2003, 22(1):31-34.
Abstract:A series of Cr xAg 1-x(x=19,28,36) samples were prepared by ion beam co-sputtering and post-annealed in vacuum at different temperatures for one hour. The structure, surface topography and optical properties of the samples for different annealing temperatures were studied by using X-ray diffraction, AFM and optical measurement. Results show that the optical properties are closely related to the particle size.
YAO Jiang-Hong CHEN Ya-Hui DENG Hao-Liang CHEN Shao-Lin XU Jing-Jun ZHANG Guang-Ying
2003, 22(1):35-39.
Abstract:采用汽相输运平衡技术制备出了高质量近化学计量比掺镁铌酸锂晶体 ,系统研究了晶体中的 [Li]/ [Nb]比含量对其畴极化电场的影响 .实验结果表明 :随着晶体中 [Li]/ [Nb]比的提高 ,畴极化反转电场呈明显下降趋势 ,使用近化学计量比掺镁铌酸锂晶体 ,我们在 3.5± 0 .1kV/mm大小的外加极化电场条件下 ,成功地实现了 1.0mm厚度的周期极化畴反转 .我们用铌酸锂晶体的缺陷模型对实验结果给出了合理的解释 .
KONG Yong-Fa LI Bing CHEN Yun-lin HUANG Zi-Heng CHEN Shao-Lin ZHANG Ling LIU Shi-Guo XU Jing-Jun
2003, 22(1):40-44.
Abstract:The ultraviolet-visible and infrared absorption spectra of Fe 2O 3 and MgO co-doped lithium niobate (LiNbO 3) crystals were studied. It was found that some Fe 2+ ions were still in Li-sites though Fe 3+ ions changed their site occupation from Li-sites to Nb-sites while the doping concentration of MgO was above the threshold (the first threshold). Defect chemical analysis shows that the amount of Fe 2+ ions will decrease as the doping concentration of Mg increases, and when the doping concentration reaches a suitable value (the second threshold) all Fe 2+ ions in Li-sites will diminish. It is expected that LiNbO 3 crystal doped with the second threshold will have an excellent ability to resist laser induced optical damage. This phenomenon is called as double thresholds effect.
2003, 22(1):45-50.
YU Xiang-Yang , ) HUANG Qun-Jian ) LUO Qi ) LI Xiao-Yuan ) YAN Yi-Jing )
2003, 22(1):51-55.
Abstract:The hyper-Raman and surface enhanced hyper-Raman spectra of benzene, pyridine and pyrazine were calculated by ab initio method. The results of theoretical calculation and experiments were compared. The molecular dipole moments, the polarizabilities, and hyper-polarizabilities were calculated by using density functional theory (DFT) methods based on Gaussian 98. The dipole moment and polarizability derivatives were provided automatically by Gaussian 98, but the hyper-polarizatibily derivatives were determined by a finite difference method. To make sure the accuracy of this method, it was used to calculate the infrared (IR) and Raman spectra, and the results are in agreement with the analytical results provided by Gaussian 98. The methods for calculating spectra of IR, Raman, surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), hyper-Raman scattering (HRS), and surface enhanced hyper-Paman scattering (SEHRS) of molecules were built up based on ab initio and the finite difference method.
ZHANG Rong-Jun , ) CHEN Da-Yu ) ZHENG Yu-Xiang ) WU Yun-Hua ) LI Li ) ZHOU Peng ) CHEN Liang-Yao , )
2003, 22(1):56-58.
Abstract:The simulation study of the filter's optical character affected by the In-situ optical monitoring the layer thickness and its deviation during deposition process for the optical narrow band-pass filter thin film was reported. Both of the ideal monitor trace and the simulation of optical parameters distributing curve of the 4-cavity DWDM filter were given. The simulation results are very useful in the practice of high quality optical filter thin film deposition. The filters are designed to meet specific 100GHz,200GHz DWDM and CWDM bandwidth requirements, and the three and four cavity narrow band-pass filters are produced for the industry application.
HU Zhi-Gao ZHAO Qiang HUANG Zhi-Ming WANG Gen-Shui MENG Xiang-Jian LIN Tie CHU Jun-Hao
2003, 22(1):59-62.
Abstract:用磁控溅射法在Pt/Ti/SiO2 /Si衬底上制备了PbZr0 .52 Ti0 .4 8O3(PZT)薄膜 .XRD结果表明经过退火后的PZT薄膜呈现多晶结构 .通过红外椭圆偏振光谱仪测量了λ为 2 .5~ 12 .6 μm范围内PZT薄膜的椭偏光谱 ,采用经典色散模型拟合获得PZT薄膜的红外光学常数 ,同时拟合得到未经处理的PZT薄膜和退火后PZT薄膜的厚度分别为 45 4.2nm和 45 0 .3nm .最后通过拟合计算得到结晶PZT薄膜的静态电荷值为 |q|=1.76 9± 0 .0 2 4.这说明在磁控溅射法制备的PZT薄膜中 ,电荷的转移是不完全的 .
XU Xiao-Xuan ) LIN Hai-Bo ) WU Zhong-Chen ) YANG Yan-Yong , ) ZHU Jian ) ZHANG Cun-Zhou ) ZHANG Guang-Yin )
2003, 22(1):63-67.
Abstract:The resolution ability of confocal Raman microscopy on the depth direction was theoretically discussed, and the response equation of confocal Raman microscopy on the depth direction was obtained by using properly approximation. A simply convolution model of thin sample (just like semiconductor film) was designed. Based on the confocal Raman spectrometer and depth profile method, the character of crystalline phase in laser recrystallized poly-Si thin films was researched. By using the deconvolution algorithm, the higher resolution structure distribution on depth direction of the film was obtained , and nano-crystalline phase was discovered locating only in the middle of thin film.
WANG Xin-Yu ZHANG Chun-Ping ZHANG Lian-Shun QI Sheng-Wen XU Tang TIAN Jian-Guo
2003, 22(1):68-70.
Abstract:A method for improving the quality of the picture based on Monte Carlo simulation of imaging was presented. The point-spread-function needed by the simulation was achieved by Monte Carlo simulation of light propagation in bio-tissue. A raw picture by OCT of porcine tissue was reconstructed. The reconstructed picture has a better transversal resolution.
ZHAO Min ) ZHANG Rong-Jun ) GU Hao-Shuang ) XU Ji-Ping )
2003, 22(1):71-74.
Abstract:采用溶胶 凝胶方法制备出纯立方钙钛矿相、介电性能和漏电流特性良好的 (Ba0 .5Sr0 .5)TiO3 铁电薄膜 .研究发现 ,随着烧结温度的升高 ,(Ba0 .5Sr0 .5)TiO3 薄膜纯度和结晶度增高 ,介电常数提高 ,漏电流密度降低 .在 75 0℃进行保温 1h热处理的薄膜性能较好且稳定 :在室温下测得薄膜介电常数为 2 5 0 ,介电损耗为 0 .0 30 ,漏电流密度为 6 .9× 10 -8A/cm2 .较高的介电常数、较低的漏电流密度可能源于良好的纯度和结晶度 .进一步研究表明 ,薄膜导电遵从空间电荷限制电流机制 .
CHEN Da-Yu ZHANG Rong-Jun ZHU Wei-Dan CHEN Bao-Chen MIAO Jian LI Shen-Chu CHEN Liang-Yao
2003, 22(1):75-76.
Abstract:A three cavities 100GHz narrow band pass filer was designed and simulated according to the theory of dielectric Fabry-Perot filter. With the help of the Advanced Plasma Aided Deposition and an optical monitoring system, a DWDM filter was coated on the F7 substrate. And problems regards grinding, polishing etc. were solved. This device could be used in the optical communication or the areas related to information technology.
ZHANG Jin-Min , ) GAO Xiao-Yong ) YANG Yu ) CHEN Liang-Yao )
2003, 22(1):77-79.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335