Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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2002, 21(3):161-166.
Abstract:A segmentation model that combines the Mumford Shah(M S) model and narrow band scheme of level set was presented. The disadvantage of Mumford Shah model is computationally time consuming. In each step of its iteration, the data of whole image have to be renewed, which is unbearable for segmentation of large image or 3D image. Therefore, a fast segmentation model was introduce, which combines the M S model and narrow band scheme by a new initialization method. The new initialization method is based on fast marching method, and the computing time decreases to O(N) . In each step of iteration, the new segmentation model only deals with the data in a narrow band instead of the whole image. The experiments show that the two models can obtain almost the same segmentation result, but the computing time of new narrow band M S model is much less than that of M S model.
QIU Dong Jiang ) WU Hui Zhen ) CHEN Nai Bo ) SHI Cheng Ru )
2002, 21(3):167-170.
Abstract:采用射频等离子体增强的热丝化学气相沉积 (RF HFCVD)技术在石英玻璃衬底上制备了高质量的纳米金刚石薄膜 .研究了衬底温度、反应气压及射频功率对金刚石膜的结晶习性和光学性质的影响 ,其最佳值分别为70 0℃、2× 133Pa和 2 0 0W .在该条件下金刚石成核密度达 10 11cm-2 ,经 1h生长即获得连续薄膜 ,其平均晶粒尺寸为 2 5nm ,表面粗糙度仅为 5 5 ,在近红外区域 (80 0nm处 )的光透过率达 90 % .
YANG Wen , ) CHANG Ai Min , ) YANG Bang Chao )
2002, 21(3):171-174.
HU Zhi Gao WANG Gen Shui HUANG Zhi Ming CHU Jun Hao
2002, 21(3):175-179.
Abstract:采用溶胶-凝胶法在石英玻璃衬底上制备出均匀透明的无定形PbTiO3薄膜,并对其 光学性质进行了详细的研究,发现其折射率的波形符合经典的Cauchy函数。由半导体理论计算得到无定形的PbTiO3薄膜的光学禁带宽度为3.84eV.FTIR透射光 谱研究表明无定形PbTiO3薄膜在中红外波段没有吸收峰出现,对于在550℃下 快速热退火得到的PbTiO3薄膜,通过远红外反射光谱测量,观察到了6个约外活性声子膜。
DONG Shi Kui TAN He Ping HE Zhi Hong RUAN Li Ming
2002, 21(3):180-184.
Abstract:用带有非平衡化学反应源项的粘性激波层方程模拟了高超声速小钝头体零攻角再入段绕流流场,并对壁温边界条件进行了改进,建立了复杂几何形状为求解辐射传递方程的贴体坐标体系下的离散坐标法,与谱带模型相结合求解了小钝头体头身部七组元空气激波层辐射强度场,考查了紫外光谱区(0.2-0.4μm) 、可见光谱区(0.4-0.8μm)及红外光谱区(0.8-2.0μm吸收系数不确定性对辐射场计算结果的影响。
XIA Xin Lin HUANG Yong TAN He Ping
2002, 21(3):185-188.
Abstract:Radiative transfer inside a linearly graded index semi transparent slab was analyzed. One boundary of the medium is a gray diffuse wall and the other is a specular semi transparent interface. Curved ray tracing technique was used to solve the radiative transfer equation and pseudo source adding method was adopted to obtain the intensity of the gray wall. Based on these, the inner intensities were deduced. The analytical method of this paper can be used to check the correctness of previous work that was based on a multi layered numerical method. The relative errors show that the previous method is effective in solving such problems.
2002, 21(3):189-194.
Abstract:Based on bias variance model, a novel method of dynamically tuning the regularization coefficient by fuzzy rules inference was proposed. The fuzzy inference rules and membership functions were effectively determined. Furthermore, the method was compared with the traditional BP algorithm and fixed regularization coefficien's method. The result is that the proposed method has the merits of the highest precision, rapid convergence and best generalization capacity. The capacity proposed method is shown to be a very effective method by several examples simulation.
2002, 21(3):195-199.
Abstract:A spatio temporal method which aims at segmenting moving objects from stationary background automatically and accurately was proposed. Three steps are followed steps in the algorithm. First, the current frame is segmented into connected regions of uninterrupted grey scale. Secondly, The intersections of each two neighbor defference images are gotten to judge which pixels are moving pixels. Finally, those moving regions are segmented from the stationary regions according to a certain rule. The experimental results show that the algorithm is effective in the segmenting moving objects from the stationary background accurately.
WANG Qin Zhe HU Bo QIU Hui Hui
2002, 21(3):200-204.
Abstract:To solve the problem that image and video packets are liable to be lost when transmitted in packet switch network, a novel algorithm of image error concealment on DCT domain with low complexity was proposed. By using scalability coding technology, the coded image data were partitioned into two groups with different priorities according to their effects on the image quality in the encoder. When decoding, based on its attributes and the pre determined threshold, the lost image block was concealed. Simulation results show that by using the proposed algorithm, better image quality and quite lower computing complexity can be obtained.
2002, 21(3):205-208.
Abstract:In order to extract the information characterization of landmark spectrum out of TM image, the functional relation of recognition of landmark spectrum compositions was constructed and the general principle of landmark recognition out of TM image was proposed. Genetic algorithm(GA) was applied to optimize the coefficients of functional relation of landmark spectrum composition. It is very easy to recognize each landmark from TM image, according to the correspondent relation between each landmark and the ranges of function values. The analysis of cases shows that this recognition model of landmark spectrum composition has the properties of simplicity, practicability and differentiation.
LI Qiu Hua LI Ji Cheng SHEN Zhen Kang
2002, 21(3):209-212.
Abstract:In order to improve the reliability of small target recognition under strong clutter, a method called IR small target recognition based on multi sensors spatio temporal information fusion was proposed. And the D S theory of evidence combination was used in the simulation calculation of information fusion of image from multiple IR sensors. The simulation shows that the method has the preferable performance for the recognition of IR small target under strong clutter.
LIU Tang You KUANG Ding Bo YIN Qiu
2002, 21(3):213-217.
Abstract:Through the spectrum experiments with Microcytis wesenbergii, Scenedesmus obliquus and it's mixture cultivated in laboratory, the qualitative characteristics of the algal spectrum were obtained, that provided basic information for classifying algae by the technology of remote sensing. Quantitative spectrum information of the two algae was retrieved with spectrum decomposition method, and set up algorithmic model between spectrum information and alga concentration.
FAN Yi LI Cheng Wei CHU Zai Xiang
2002, 21(3):218-220.
Abstract:A millisecond pulse heating reflectometric technique with multi wavelength pyrometry to measure the thermophysical properties of a strip specimen was developed. The multi wavelength normal spectral emi ssivity of the strip were measured by a multi wavelength pyrometer and an integrating reflectometer. The measurement technique and components of the milliecond pulse heating apparatus are described. The heat capacity, electrical resistivity, total hemispherical emissivity and multi wavelength spectral emissivity of the specimen can be measured simultaneously by using this apparatus.
ZHAO Jian Hua YUAN Hong Yong FAN Wei Cheng SONG Wei Guo
2002, 21(3):221-224.
Abstract:Laser lights with different wavelengths were used to study the attenuation characteristics of fire smoke through considering the laser interaction with fire smoke and non fire aerosol at the same time.Three pairs of extinction coefficient ratio(ECR) for five kinds of typical fire smoke and non fire aerosol, including incense smoke and diesel flame smoke, etc., were obtained. It was shown that ECR reflects the relative extinction degree of lasers with two different wavelengths, so that ECR is only dependent on the basic characteristics of aerosols, irrespective of the concentration of aerosols. Different smoke aerosols will have evidently different ECR.
HUANG Li Qing ZHAO Jun Wu WANG Yong Chang
2002, 21(3):225-228.
Abstract:According to electron trapping mechanism, the up conversion luminescence decay model of electron trapping materials CaS:Eu, Sm was proposed, and the related rate equations were established. The solution of rate equations is of 3 order exponential decay form. The up conversion luminescence decay curves of the materials at different temperature were measured and analyzed by nonlinear curve fit method, and the expression of nonlinear curve fit is of the same form as the solution.
2002, 21(3):229-232.
Abstract:The Dempster Shafer (D S) theory of evidential reasoning and its application were described. The data fusion in multichannel was implemented by the theory. An algorithm of data fusion in multichannel was designed for the target classification.
ZHANG Kun Hua WANG Jing Ru ZHANG Qi Heng
2002, 21(3):233-237.
Abstract:A new segmentation algorithm, which utilizes boundary, area and texture features for segmenting extended target in complex environment, was proposed. the target was segmented preliminarily by series boundary technique based on knowledge, Then a new fractal segmentation algorithm was used to suppress the complex nature background blocks in the image. And the mathematical morphology method was utilized for eliminating the background conglutination. The experimental results indicated the validity of the method for segmenting the extended target in complex environment and that the method can reserve the shape details of the target perfectly.
JU Jian Hua ) XIA Yi Ben ) SANG Wen Bin ) WANG Lin Jun ) WU Wen Hai ) TANG Ding Yan
2002, 21(3):238-240.
Abstract:A dense and homogeneous nanograins diamond like carbon(DLC)film was deposited on the well polished HgCdTe wafer by radio frequency plasma chemical vapor deposition at room temperature. The interface of DLC?HgCdTe was studied by AES and compared with that of ZnS?HgCdTe, which was prepared by ion sputtering(IS).The result shows that both DLC film and ZnS film can suppress the dissociation of the weak bonding HgTe, and prevent Hg escaping from MCT surface to some extent. However, both Zn and S in ZnS layer tend to diffuse inward MCT, while diffusion of C from DLC layer into MCT is rather slight. In particular, IR transmission of MCT deposited with DLC is remarkable raised comparing to the naked surface and higher than that of MCT deposited with ZnS.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335