Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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HU Xiao Ning LI Yan Jin FANG Jia Xiong
2001, 20(3):165-168.
Abstract:The influence of MS transport on the current voltage characteristic of MCT PV device was investigated based on the current voltage characteristics of MCT Schottkey barrier. The data of some devices were also discussed.
XU Xiao Xuan WANG Ji You ZHU Jian ZHANG Cun Zhou ZHANG Guang Yin
2001, 20(3):169-173.
WU Yan WANG Shan Li CHEN Lu YU Mei Fang QIAO Yi Min HE Li
2001, 20(3):174-178.
Abstract:报道了用 MBE方法生长掺 In的 n型 Hg Cd Te材料的研究结果 .发现 In作为 n型施主在 Hg Cd Te中电学激活率接近 10 0 % ,其施主电离激活能至少小于 0 .6 m e V.确认了在制备红外焦平面探测器时有必要将掺杂浓度控制在~ 3× 10 1 5 cm- 3水平 .比较了高温退火前后 In在 Hg Cd Te中的扩散行为 ,得出在 40 0℃温度下 In的扩散系数约为10 - 1 4 cm2 / s,并确认了 In原子作为 Hg Cd Te材料的 n型掺杂剂的可用性和有效性 .
2001, 20(3):179-183.
2001, 20(3):184-188.
GU Wei HU Bo LING Xie Ting ZHANG Li Ming
2001, 20(3):189-193.
Abstract:A new wavelet based image coding scheme was proposed. The Variable Coefficient Fixed Length(VCFL) Coding method was used to code the wavelet subband coefficients of the image. The codebook was obtained from symbol probability. By a way similar to Atithmetic Coding, a bunch of symbols was mapped to the code in the codebook. Several error concealement methods were also adopted to improve the robustness. Simulation results show that our new scheme has higher compression ratio and robustness.
2001, 20(3):194-198.
Abstract:A new 3D image segmentation algorithm was proposed. This algorithm integrates the improved Active Contour model and a new forecast algorithm. The forecast algorithm is based on the peculiarity of 3D images i.e the deformation of the contour along the space or time axis is continuous in 3D images. The forecast algorithm analyzes the trend of the deformation of the contour in the segmented images, then prognosticates the location and the shape of the contour in the next image. Experiments on medical anatomic images show that the new algorithm can observably improve the accuracy of the segmentation and reduce the time needed.
LIN Zhe Min KANG Xue Lei ZHANG Li Ming
2001, 20(3):199-202.
SONG Jian Quan LIU Zheng Tang YU Zhong Qi GENG Dong Sheng ZHENG Xiu Lin
2001, 20(3):203-206.
Abstract:利用计算机对不同运动轨迹下ZnS头罩外表面膜厚分布进行了模拟,优化出头罩的最佳运动轨迹,在该轨轨迹下采用射频磁控反应溅射(RRFS)法进行头罩镀膜,能够得到满足使用要求的薄膜厚度均匀性。实验结果表明,头罩外表面薄膜厚度不均匀性小于10%,双面镀膜后,8-11.5 μm波段平均透过率从69.6%提高到87.2%以上,透过率的不均匀性小于1.2%,满足了红外应用中对ZnS头罩的要求。
2001, 20(3):207-210.
Abstract:A novel pixel level image fusion scheme was presented based on multiscale decompositon. First, the wavelet transform is used to perform a multiscale decomposition of each image. Then, the wavelet coefficients of fused image are constructed using multiple operators according to different fusion rules. This approach is successfully used to fuse the infrared and visible light images. The experimental results show that the fusion scheme is effective and the fused images are more suitable for human visual or machine perception.
LE Ning ) LIANG Xue Jun ) WENG Shi Xiu )
2001, 20(3):211-214.
Abstract:The deficiency of original image transition region theory and its origin were analyzed. Based on the directional property of neighborhood pixels in the transition region, one dimensional linear regression process was introduced to eliminate the influence of random fluctuations in local image regions.The practical results show that the robustness and the accuracy of new algorithm could be improved greatly.
WANG Hai Long QI Fei Hu REN Qing Sheng
2001, 20(3):215-218.
2001, 20(3):219-222.
Abstract:An algorithm for multisensor image fusion was proposed based on tree structure wavelet decomposition. Under some special energy rules, it can adaptively implement subband decomposition and image fusion according to the image features. Experimental results of visible image and infrared image fusion, visible image and millimeter wave image fusion were given, which show the proposed method can achieve better fusion performance than the traditional pyramid wavelet decomposition.
2001, 20(3):223-227.
Abstract:A new wavelet kernel function network (WKFN) was proposed as an alternative of support vector machine (SVM). Simulation experiments show that the performance of approximation and recognition of WKFN is equal to that of the corresponding SVM, but gets an advantage over that of a general neural network.
2001, 20(3):229-232.
LI Zhi Feng ) LU Wei ) CAI Wei Ying ) FANG Wei Zheng ) YANG Jian Rong , ) HE Li ) SHEN Xue Chu )
2001, 20(3):233-237.
Abstract:提出并实现了用微米级空间分辨率的显微光致发光(μ-PL)平面扫描谱对CdZnTe(CZT)晶片的表面亚微米层特性研究。在含缺陷区域进行微米尺度和在大面积范围内进行毫米尺度的逐点PL测量。对测得每一点的PL谱进行了拟合。拟合参数中等效温度Tc的统计分布给出两个分布中心,表明存在有两种机制的发光过程。同时统计结果给出发光各点的不均匀性。等效温度的平面分布图直观地给出了各温度的平面位置,样品经溴 抛光后重复类似的测量,结果表明等效湿度的统计均匀性大为改善。抛光后的不同的缺陷点表现出不同的发光特性,意味着各自起源的不同。大面积PL扫描的统计结果和平面分布给出样品特性的整体评价。
PENG Fu Yuan ZHOU Xin Jie Hu Ying Song
2001, 20(3):238-240.
Abstract:In view of the characteristics of the low contrast and small dimension of targets and the complexity of background in infrared image, a method of detecting and describing infrared weak target was presented with improved K L transform and generalized K L transform. Thus the infrared weak target can be detected in low signal to noise ratio.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335