Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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JIN Jin Sheng ) WU Hui Zhen ) CHANG Yong ) SHOU Xiang ) X.M.Fang ) P.J.McCann )
Abstract:PbSe films were grown on Si(111) by incorporation of BaF 2/CaF 2 buffers using molecular beam epitaxy. The measurements of both scanning electronic microscopy and high resolution X ray diffraction showed high crystalline quality of the PbSe films. The surface of PbSe was mirror like and no cracks were observed. The full width at half maximum of PbSe diffraction peak was only 153 arcsec. The epitaxial PbSe films were used to fabricate photodiodes. For the first time, metallic aluminum was used to form Al PbSe Schottky diodes, which demonstrated better and more stable current voltage characteristics than that obtained from Pb PbSe Schottky diodes.
Abstract:A new moving vehicle detection method in complicated background was presented. First, moving regions are detected using the motion information of three frames by a statistical method, then the results of motion segmentation are regulated using the region information produced by static segmentation. And an image enhancement technique is proposed to improve the effects of segmentation. The results can be used as the basis of advanced vehicle control and traffic management in intelligent transportation systems (ITS).
HU Lei Li ) CHEN Yu Qing ) ZOU Sheng Huai )
Abstract:The sources of the prediction error were analyzed; and the distribution and the propagation of the error were considered. The measurement error of the target and the velocity error of the ownship were calculated. The error caused by target maneuvering was considered. Then how to obtain the tracking gate of the minimunm volumn was discussed. The relation between the scanning method of the system and the tracking gate was also analyzed. After the state equation and measurement eqution were formed, a conventional Kalman filter was used for multi target tracking. And the result illustrates that the design of tracking gate is better than before.
Abstract:Based on the analysis of the present algorithms of IRFPA nonuniformity correction (NUC), a new adaptive technique was discussed, to which the wavelet filter theory was applied. With the scale decomposition of image sequences on the time field and the corresponding statistics' calculation, the offset and gain coefficients in IRFPA NUC were obtained. Its effectiveness and superiority were verified by simulation.
CONG Da Cheng DAI Jing Min SUN Xiao Gang CHU Zai Xiang
Abstract:The application of artificial neutral network to data processing of multi spectral radiation thermometry was presented. By taking advantages of neutral network and various emissivity samples, the emissivity models of the targets were identified and the true temperature and spectral emissivity were available simultaneously. The measurement accuracy was improved further by subdivision. The effects of measurement errors on the measurement accuracy of temperature and emissivity were also analyzed. Computer simulation results proved that the method is an effective way for both temperature and emissivity measurements.
Abstract:A neural network classifier based on HMM framework was proposed.It can be used to identify timevarying signal, which an ordinary neural network lacks of, and can stress the differences of different signals. Evolutionary learning of the neural network weights using genetic algorithm solves the problem of falling into local minimum point which BP and Baum Welch algorithmnace. An example of recognizing radar return signal successfully by the neural netwrok was presented.
JIANG Wei Dong CHEN Zen Ping ZHUANG Zhao Wen GUO Gui Rong
Abstract:The simulation methods of radar clutter with given amplitude distribution and power spectrum were described, and the simulation results of radar clutter were given. A scattering center model of frequency domain of radar target was presented under the clutter environment and its solution method was studied. Finally, the experimental results of simulation data and the measurement data of aircraft scale model were given.
LOU Guo Wei LI Xing Guo WU Wen
Abstract:A 3mm wave band FMCW short range radar was studied, including the calculation of its detecting range, the design of its parameters and the analysis of its ranging precision. In addition, the measured results of the 3mm FMCW short range radar developed by the authors were presented.
XU Rui Min XIAO Shao Qiu YAN Bo XUE Liang Jin
Abstract:The analysis and optimizing design for three port device drain mixer in Ka band were given. The nonlinear equivalent circuit and its parameters were simulated and obtained from the small signal S parameter and the DC measurements of three port device. And then, the drain mixer circuit was designed with optimum conversion gain of the drain mixer which was derived from the harmonic balance method and the conversion matrices method. The test result shows that the mixer has conversion gain 4dB at RF 27.4GHz and LO 33.4GHz/10dBm.
JIA Gang CHEN Zhan Guo CAO Jie YI Mao Bin SUN Wei GAO Ding San
Abstract:时 间 :2 0 0 1年 1 0月 地 点 :四川省成都市 主办单位 :中国电子学会协办单位 :真空电子学分会 测量与仪器分会 无线电定位技术分会 导航分会电波传播分会 射频天文分会 超导电子学分会 应用磁学分会 天线分会遥感、遥测、遥控分会 微波分会 IEEE MTT- SBeijing Chapter承办单位 :微波分会 信息产业部电子第 2 9研究所 中国工程物理研究院 90 5所 电子科技大学信息产业部电子第 1 0研究所 中国人民解放军总参谋部第 5 7研究所 四川大学2 0 0 1年全国微波毫米波会议将于 2 0 0 1年 1 0月在成都召开…
HU Min Feng ZHU Fu Rong ZHANG Feng Shan
Abstract:Initialization parameters used in infrared optical thin film monitoring system, including input coatings, monitoring mode, monitoring wavelength, material coefficients, slice options,etc.,were listed in forms of dialog control. When the user inputs these parameters, the application programme can automatically check these parameters' validity to ensure that the contents the user inputs are correct, thus, it supplies a kind of security mechanism for subsequent automatic control of optical thin film process. The corresponding algorithm was also given in this paper.
Abstract:In view of the problems in the clinical application of microwave external radiator, the needle shaped waveguide excited radiator in the model of coaxial waveguide transition was replaced by a tapered Archimedian spirals radiator. It improves the standing wave ratio, reduces the radiator's volume and weight and decreases the microwave leak. The result is satisfactory with clinical practices.
WAN You Bao LI Jing CHU Jun Hao BO Ling Xian
Abstract:The frequency doubling properties of potassium lithium niobate crystals grown from melts with different content of Li 2O were studied by using quasi cw Ti:sapphire laser. The results showed that potassium lithium niobate crystal does not have nonlinear optical performance unless the Li content in the crystal reached a certain amount. The higher the content of Li in the crystal, the better the frequency doubling performance. The results of frequency doubling experiment of the potassium lithium niobate crystal grown from the melt with Li 2O 26mol% showed that the crystal can double the cw Ti:sapphire laser with the wavelength of 820~960nm so as to obtain the output of blue green beam. The crystal showed good second harmonic generation properties.
SUN Xiao Gang DAI Jing Min CONG Da Cheng CHU Zai Xiang
Abstract:The theory of neural networks was applied in the field of multi spectral radiation thermometry. The experimental results show that the above mentioned method is an effective method for solving the true temperature measurement.
Abstract:The influence of illumination intensity and residual gases on the stability of negative electron affinity GaAs(Cs,O) photocathodes during operation was investigated in the present work. A comparison was made between the stability of photocathodes installed in activation chamber and tube body. Studies of the activated GaAs photocathode surface and the surface of GaAs photocathode with sensitivity decaying to zero were made using Auger electron spectroscopy. It was found that the degradation of GaAs photocathodes stems maingly from the interaction of harmful residual gases and photocathode surface.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335