Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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1998, 17(1):1-6.
Abstract:The transmission characteristics of quasi periodic multi layer planar dielectric gratings were systematically investigated by a method which combines the multimode network theory with mode matching method.The effect of radiation on the transmission characteristics of the multi layer dielectric gratings was discussed in details, and guideline was given for accurate design of the gratings.
1998, 17(1):7-12.
Abstract:The design of the MAIS airborne imaging spectrometer system and its practical applications were described. The main technical parameters were given.
ZHU Zhen Yu LIN Kan WANG Jian Yu
1998, 17(1):13-20.
Abstract:Based on the information content and redundancy of the imaging spectral images, several real time lossless compression algorithms were proposed in this paper and all the algorithms were evaluated and compared.
LU Hui Qing ZHAO Jun LI Xiang YangDepartment of Optics , Shandong University , Jinan , Shandong , China Received , revised ZHOU Yong Dong FANG Jia Xiong
1998, 17(1):21-24.
FANG Wei-zheng , YANG Jian-rong , CHEN Xin-Qiang , WANG Shan-Li , HE Li
1998, 17(1):25-30.
Abstract:对经250℃P型热处理获得的Hg1-xCdxTeMBE材料进行变温霍耳测量和理论拟合计算,由此得到HgCdTe-MBE材料的受主浓度为2-3×10^16cm^-3,残余施主浓度为5×10^15cm^-3左右,两才相比显示材料的补偿度较低,拟合得到的汞空位受主能级为15-18meVdisplay structure
RAN Mao Nong DONG Chao Hua SHEN Zheng Xin
1998, 17(1):31-36.
Abstract:It was thought that an equivalent atmospheric sounding channel can be obtained by a lot of simulated computation, of which the peak height weighting function is higher than that of the first channel of HIRS/2 instrument onboard the NOAA serial meteorological satellites of USA.By comparing the retrievals obtained from the equivalent channel with original retrievals, the result shows that there is an improvement on the temperature retrievals by adding the equivalent channels, particularly on stratosphere (50-2hPa) profiles with the average improvement of 0.27K.
YE Hong-Juan , LI Biao , XIONG Guang-Cheng , WANG RUI-LAN , LIU Peng
1998, 17(1):37-41.
Abstract:The infrared spectra of YBa 2Cu 3O 6.3 and PrBa 2Cu 3O 6.3 ceramics and films with c axis orientation were reported. In PrBa 2Cu 3O 6.3 , 9 phonon modes corresponding to 5E u+4A 2u vibration were observed, where the E u and A 2u modes of Pr element were found at 170 and 198cm -1 , respectively.In YBa 2Cu 3O 6.3 ,10 modes corresponding to 6E u+4A 2u vibration were observed, where the E u and A 2u modes of Y element were located at 191 and 217cm -1 , respectively. Since YBa 2Cu 3O 6.3 and PrBa 2Cu 3O 6.3 possess similar crystal structures, by comparing and analyzing their E u and A 2u modes based on the regulation that the vibration frequency is inversely proportional to the square root of the mass, it can be inferred that the valence of Pr in oxygen deficient tetragonal PrBa 2Cu 3O 6.3 is 3 +.
1998, 17(1):42-47.
Abstract:By referring to the theories of thermoelasticity and thermal interlaminar stress of composite, the stress in silicon wafer and the interlaminar stress of structure Si/Al/Mo used for making thyristor after sintering were analyzed. It was found that the distribution of stress caused by different properties of thermal expansion in the center portion is different from that at the edge of silicon wafer. The expression for stress at the edge of silicon wafer was derived. The stress photoelastic patterns were obtained by means of the infrared photoelastic system. The theory coincides well with the results of experiment.
YE Xiang Yun QI Fei Hu JIANG Jun
1998, 17(1):48-53.
Abstract:As to the widely used multi thresholding technique, a new clustering method was proposed, namely the Adaptive Image Segmentation Technique Based on Selective Multiresolution Kohonen Neural Network.The proposed approach has the advantage that the number of segmentation scales is not needed to specify a priori. It can be adjusted dynamically according to local statistic property of the image.
1998, 17(1):54-60.
Abstract:A neural network texture segmentation method, in which multichannel filtering is embodied, was proposed. Multichannel filtering technology is a very effective method for texture segmentation. Instead of using a general filter bank, the texture feature extraction and classification tasks were performed in this paper by the same unified neural network. Decision based neural network was adopted to improve the accuracy of classification. Wavelet transformation of texture was used to decrease the correlation of texture data and increase the efficiency of networks learning. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves lower error rates than other methods and a satisfactory result is obtained.
QIN Wei Fang WANG Ru Li CHEN Gao Feng YAN Yi Xun
1998, 17(1):61-65.
Abstract:A new type of information processing system was developed. The system was implemented by using a hybrid architecture of joint transform and Vander Lugt optical correlators. With the same optical architecture, object tracking can be carried out by joint transform correlator and object recognition can be carried out by Vander Lugt optical correlator. The experiments show that the method has good results.
CHENG Shi Ping ZHANG Fen Shan YAN Yi Xun
1998, 17(1):71-75.
Abstract:General formula for spectrum scattering profile in the output plane of a one dimensional dispersive linear optical system was derived. Spectrum scattering properties in the areas restricted by parallel line gap and round aperture as well as those in the periodic areas in the output plane were studied.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335