Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335
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Mao Nianxin , Ye Hongjuan , Shen Xuechu
1994, 13(2):81-87.
Abstract:The natural mineral PhS samples were studied. The physical reasons of the Plasmon reflectance edge st low-frequency are discussed. According to the relations between the slope of plasmon reflectance edge and the contents of natural impurities,the influence of characters of different chemical composition and crystal strictures in different samples on the plasmon reflectance edge is explained. And according to the positive and negative correlations among the contents of different impurities in samples with resped to the cause and effect relations of natural formation, the feasibility of obtaining information from far infrared reflectance spectral structures which are usable to indicate the mineral formation conditions is discussed.
Zhang Xiaolin , Guo Wenxuan , Shu Yuwen , Hau Wenhui , Yan Jun
1994, 13(2):95-101.
Abstract:By using matched spatial filtering technique, small targets are detected against the complicated IR clutter background containing sea area. By means of computer simulation, the filter design parameters are obtained. After filtering, the signalto-clutter ratio gain is boosted markedly and the false alarm probability is decreased accordingly; the filter's hardware can be realized easily. This proves to be an effective technique to reject IR background clutter.
1994, 13(2):102-108.
Abstract:or discussing the ground information acquisition mode of the spaceborne imaging spectrometer, this paper applies the optimal linear predictive compression technique in combination with the Huffman hige-efficiency coding method to achieve the goal of strict information-preserving compression for the spectral and spatial composite data of the spaceborne imaging spectrometer. In this paper, the basic principle,system realization and the corresponding experimental results and conclusions of the onboard real-time data compression technical scheme for the spaceborne imaging spectrometer are given.
Cheng Shiping , Zhang Fengshan , Yan Yixun
1994, 13(2):109-112.
Abstract:The masking and lifting-off method to combine the technology of manufacturing semiconductor devices with the PVD method to prepare the micro-infrared filter is introduced. Also the method of integrating the filters is introduced, The results of the research work are reported.
He Fengcheng , Xu Daxiong , Wang Ben
1994, 13(2):113-118.
Abstract:The ambient temperature variation noise and vibration noise in a pyroelectric IR detector were investigated systematically. The dependence of the specific detectivity and temperature variation noise on the load resistance was studied. In addition, the characteristics of the IR detector with complementary domain structure are discussed in this paper.
Lu Mingzhe , Pang Zhiliang , Liu Fulan , Mu Guoguang
1994, 13(2):119-123.
Abstract:The interpattern association is proposed to suppress the stable false and oscillatory states in neural networks based on the Hopfield model, in consideration of the existence of Boolean logic relations in those states. The digital simulation of neural networks of the Hopfield model and the Hopfield model with interpattern association is shown. The Hopfield model with interpattern association is of higher performance than the Hopfield model.
Yuan Shifu , Zhao Shijie , Zhang Xueru , Chen Lixue , Hong Jing
1994, 13(2):124-130.
Abstract:An optical binary image neighborhood processor based on a liquid crystal light valve is proposed. Using this processor, some morphological transformations such as dilation, erosion and edge detection have been implemented optically and the experimental results are given.
Wang Qi , A.D. Boardman , Bao Jiashan , Cai Yingshi
1994, 13(2):131-139.
Abstract:A concept of propagation cut-off angle of magnetostatic surface wave (MSSW) is put forward and formulated. The nonlinear dispersion relation of MSSW is given and the new characteristics of the tunable energy flow direction of linear and nonlinear MSSW are presented in this paper.
1994, 13(2):140-144.
Abstract:The practical derivative deconvolution operator of the Lorentzian lineshape was obtained through approximate treatment in frequency domain. The deconvolution operator of the Voigt lineshape was obtained by convoluting the Lorentzian lineshape to the Gaussian lineshape. Applying this operator to single-and multi-lines bands in various combinations, the deconvolution spectra of the Voigt lineshape were got. It is shown that the spectral resolution enhancing factor K is related to the fraction of Lorentzian character in the combined lineshape.
1994, 13(2):145-148.
Abstract:The definition of the spatial resolution in the photothermal radiometry (PTR) technique is given. The theoretical analysis and practical measurements show that the spatial resolution is improved as the modulation frequency is increased.
1994, 13(2):153-156.
Abstract:The zero-phonon lines of R2 and N1 centers and other narrow lines were observed in r-ray irradiated and He+-implanted sodium chloride crystals in the temperature range from 9 to 77K. The spectral properties and thermal stabilities of the Iines were measured systematically at different temperatures.
1994, 13(2):157-160.
Editor in chief:Jun-Hao CHU
International standard number:ISSN 1001-9014
Unified domestic issue:CN 31-1577
Domestic postal code:4-335