

参考文献 1
RogalskiA. Recent progress in infrared detector technologies [J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2011, 54: 136-154.
参考文献 2
VollmerM, MöllmannK P. Infrared thermal imaging: fundamentals, research and applications[M]. John Wiley & Sons, 2017.
参考文献 3
XINGSu- Xia, ZHANGJun- Ju, CHANGBen- Kang, et al. Recent development and status of uncooled IR thermal imaging technology[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering (邢素霞, 张俊举, 常本康, 等. 非制冷红外热成像技术的发展与现状. 红外与激光工程) 2004, 33(5):441-444.
参考文献 4
FuJ Y, ShangH P, ShiH T , et al. Optical sensitivity non-uniformity analysis and optimization of a tilt optical readout focal plane array[J]. J. Micromench. Microeng, 2016, 26: 025001.
参考文献 5
MalyarovV G, KhrebtovI A, Kulikov YuV, et al. Comparative investigations of bolometric properties of thin-film structures based on vanadium dioxide and amorphous hydrated silicon[J]. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, Moscow, 1999, 3819: 136-142.
参考文献 6
HansonC. Uncooled thermal imaging at Texas Instruments[J]. Proceedings of SPIE, 1993, 2020: 330-339.
参考文献 7
GrafA, ArndtM, SauerM, et.al. Review of micromachined thermopiles for infrared detection, Measurement Science and Technology, 2007, 18: 59-75.
参考文献 8
TomohiroI, MasashiU, KazuyoE, et al. Low-cost 320x240 uncooled IRFPA using conventional silicon IC process[C]. Proc. Of SPIE, 1999, 3698:556-564.
参考文献 9
EminogluS, TanrikuluM Y, AkinT. A low-cost 128x128 uncooled infrared detector array in CMOS process[J]. J. Microelectromech. Syst., 2008, 17(1): 20-30.
参考文献 10
Waves, 朱慧慧, 冯飞, 王跃林, 等. 二极管型红外焦平面阵列的噪声分析及结构优化设计. 红外与毫米波学报) 2015, 34(6): 647-653.
ZHUHui- Hui, FENGFei, WANGYue- Lin, et al. Noise analysis and structural optimal design of diode microbolometer uncooled IRFPAs[J].J. Infrared Millim.
参考文献 11
FujisawaD, OgawaS, HataH, et.al. Multi-color imaging with silicon-on-insulator diode uncooled infrared focal plane array using through-hole plasmonic metamaterial absorbers [C]. In 2015 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2015, 905-908.
参考文献 12
JIANGWen- Jing, WenOU, MINGAn- Jie, et al. Design and analysis of a high fill-factor SOI diode uncooled infrared focal plane array[J]. J. Micromech. Microeng, 2013, 23: 065004.
参考文献 13
SelimE, TanrikuluM Y, DenizS T, et al. A low-cost small pixel uncooled infrared detector for large focal plane arrays using a standard CMOS process[J]. Proc. SPIE Infrared Detectors Focal Plane Arrays VII, 2002, 4721: 111-121.
参考文献 14
XuDe- Hui, XiongBin, WangYue- Lin, et.al. Uncool IR sensor based on lateral polysilicon pn junction diode: initial results[J]. Proc.of SPIE, 2011, 8191: 819113.
参考文献 15
China Standard press.(中华人民共和国国家监督局. GB/T 13584-2011. 红外探测器参数测试方法. 北京:中国标准出版社),2011-12-30.
National Standardization Technical Committee. GB/T 13584-2011 Measuring methods for parameters of infrared detectors [S]. Beijing:
参考文献 16
YeongM C, JinS S, ThunterH. Parameter extraction of resistive thermal sensors [J]. Sensors and Actuators A, 1996, 55: 43-47.
参考文献 17
CharlotB., MirS., ParrainF., et al. Generation of electrically induced stimuli for MEMS self-test[J]. Electron. Testing: Theory Appl. 2001, 17(6): 459-470.
参考文献 18
Waves, 刘子骥, 吕坚, 郑兴, 等. 一种优化的微测热辐射计热学参数性能测试分析方法. 红外与毫米波学报) 2012, 31(2): 183-187.
LIUZi- Ji, LVJian, ZHENGXing, et.al. An improved test and analyze method for microbolometer thermal performances [J]. J. Infrared Millim.
参考文献 19
TakashimaN, and KimuraM. Diode temperature sensor with the output voltage proportional to the absolute temperature and its application to the thin film Pirani Vacuum Sensor [C].The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2007, 2197–2202.
参考文献 20
ZHANGQiang, LIURui-Wen, LVWen-Long, et al. Analysis and optimization of the voltage temperature coefficient of a thermodiode uncooled infrared focal plane array [J]. Micronanoelectronic Technology, (张强, 刘瑞文, 吕文龙, 等. 非制冷热敏二极管型红外焦平面阵列电压温度系数的分析与优化. 微纳电子技术) 2018, 55(9): 617-624.
参考文献 21
SamtiaS, GuhaP K, AliS Z, et al. Silicon on insulator diode temperature sensor–A detailed analysis for ultra-high temperature operation [J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2010, 10(5): 997-1002.
目录 contents




    Thermal parameters of infrared thermal detector include thermal capacity, thermal conductance and thermal response time, reflecting the structure information and performance of detector. Accurate and effective measurement of these thermal parameters is important for device performance evaluation and optimization. A diode-type infrared detector is an important infrared detector. Based on the self-heating effect of diode-type infrared heat detectors, an equivalent electrical test method was developed. The method has the advantages of high precision and easy implementation. The pixel of the self-made diode-type infrared focal plane array was tested by this method. The results were in good agreement with the theoretical analysis, and the feasibility of the method was verified.

  • 引言







  • 1 测试原理


    图 1

    图 1 二极管型红外热探测器热学参数测试电路示意图

    Fig. 1 The testing circuit schematic of thermal parameters for the diode type infrared thermal detector






















  • 2 误差分析





    图 2

    图 2 归一化大自热功率与归一化正向压降的理论关系

    Fig. 2 Theoretical relationship between normalized self-heating power and normalized forward voltage drop







    以探测器的理论热响应时间为标准,对大自热功率时间进行归一化。同时,定义正向压降变化率为正向压降变化量与环境温度下探测器正向压降的比值。图3给出了假设探测器的电压温度系数为8.2 mV/K[20],探测器的热容相对误差、正向压降变化率与归一化大自热功率时间的关系。从图中可以看出:大自热功率时间越长,自热效应越明显,探测器的正向压降变化越大,热容的相对误差越大。当归一化大自热功率时间小于5%时,热容的相对误差小于3.2%。故在测试中将大自热功率时间控制在合适的范围内,即可保证探测器热容的测试精度。

    图 3

    图 3 探测器的热容相对误差、正向压降变化率与归一化大自热功率时间的关系

    Fig. 3 Relation of the relative error of heat capacity of the detector and the rate of change of forward voltage drop to the normalized big self-heating power time



    其中,VD为单个二极管的正向压降,Vg为材料在绝对零度下的禁带宽度(硅为1.14 V),β为工艺参数(硅为3.5),k为玻尔兹曼常数,Tr为参考温度,V(Tr)为参考温度下的单个二极管正向压降。

    由式(12)可知,当Tr为室温时,二极管在室温附近的电压温度系数近似为常数。例如:在10 μA偏置电流下,结面积为7.4 μm×4.6 μm的单个二极管电压温度系数理论值为1.37 mV/K[20]。故当探测器自热效应引起的温升较小时,由本测试方法测得的探测器热导误差可以忽略。

  • 3 测试结果

    利用本电学等效测试方法,我们对自制的一款二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元进行了测试。图4(a-b)分别为二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元的三维结构图与扫描电子显微镜(SEM)照片。该像元主要由敏感区、悬臂梁、框架、吸收层以及锚点组成。内含6个串联PN结二极管的敏感区通过两根悬臂梁与框架相连并悬空。吸收层通过锚点悬空在敏感区上。吸收层吸收外界红外辐射后温度升高,该温度通过锚点传递至敏感区。敏感区的温度变化使得工作在恒定电流下的串联二极管电压随之变化,该电压变化由读出电路读出并实现成像。像元尺寸为35 μm×35 μm,表1给出了其具体的结构与材料信息。

    图 4
                            (a) 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元的三维结构图,(b) 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元的扫描电子显微镜图

    图 4 (a) 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元的三维结构图,(b) 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元的扫描电子显微镜图

    Fig. 4 (a) Three-dimensional structure of diode type infrared focal plane array pixel, (b) The scanning electron micrograph of the diode type infrared focal plane array pixel

    表 1 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元的结构尺寸和材料

    Table 1 The structure size and material of the diode type infrared focal plane array pixel


    将该二极管型红外焦平面阵列置于2 Pa的真空环境中,外接如图1所示的测试电路。其中,电源电压Vdd为10.9 V,固定电阻阻值为200 KΩ,选通时间为200 μs;调节可变电阻阻值分别为14.79 MΩ和10.2 MΩ,选通时间为200 ms。图5 (a) 为在两个可变电阻情况下,示波器(Agilent MSO-X2022A)采集的二极管型红外焦平面阵列单个像元自热功率和正向压降波形图。图中虚线是小自热功率与大自热功率的组合,其中大自热功率持续时间为200 μs。实线为在脉冲功率下的响应,可分为三部分:①部分表示像元在小自热功率期间达到热平衡阶段,此时像元正向压降恒定;②部分表示像元在大自热功率作用下,从稳态初始温度升温的过程,此时正向压降随着时间线性变化;③部分表示像元在小自热功率期间的非热平衡状态。通过该波形,可获得像元热容、热导以及热响应时间分别为1.49×10-9 J/K、6.70×10-8 W/K及22.1 ms。

    图 5

    图 5 在不同可变电阻阻值下,二极管型红外焦平面像元自热功率和正向压降与时间的关系

    Fig. 5 Relation of time and self-heating power to forward voltage drop of the diode type infrared focal plane pixel at the different resistance values

    图6考察了二极管型红外焦平面阵列单个像元热容实测值与大自热功率时间的关系。图中,当大自热功率时间不大于1 ms时,即小于探测器响应时间的5%时,热容实测值基本保持不变;之后,随着大自热功率时间的增加,热容实测值迅速增大。因此,与理论分析一致,短的大自热功率时间有助于保证热容参数测量精度。

    图 6

    图 6 二极管型红外焦平面像元热容与大自热功率时间的关系

    Fig. 6 Relation of thermal capacity to time of big self-heating power of the diode type infrared focal plane pixel

    图7是利用变温探针台(Suess PA300)和半导体分析仪(Agilent B1500A)测得的像元在恒定偏置电流(10 μA)下的正向压降与温度关系曲线。图中:在室温附近,像元的正向压降随着温度增高而降低,且该变化呈线性关系,斜率表示像元的电压温度系数,为-8.8 mV/K。由此可以看出:当测试期间像元温度在室温附近变化时电压温度系数为常数,与理论分析相符。图8为二极管型红外焦平面阵列单个像元热导实测值与小自热功率的关系。小自热功率的调节通过改变可变电阻阻值(从14.79 MΩ到6.63 MΩ)实现,由于像元小自热功率引起的温升在室温附近,电压温度系数恒定,故如图8所示:热导随小自热功率的增大几乎不变,这与理论分析相吻合。

    图 7

    图 7 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元正向压降与温度的关系

    Fig. 7 Relation of forward voltage drop to temperature of the diode type infrared focal plane array pixel

    图 8

    图 8 二极管型红外焦平面像元热导与小自热功率的关系

    Fig. 8 Relation of thermal conductance to small self-heating power of the diode type infrared focal plane pixel

    表2给出了二极管型红外焦平面阵列单个像元热学参数的电学等效法实测值与理论计算值、以及黑体辐射斩波法测试值的对照表。其中,电学等效法实测值是根据图(5)所示的自热功率脉冲获得,理论值是利用二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元的材料与结构信息,按照Jiang文献中提到的热学参数理论计算方法计算得到的;黑体辐射斩波法测试值是采用黑体辐射炉和斩波器的测试方法所测得。黑体辐射斩波法是通过斩波器对黑体辐射进行斩波来产生一个矩形脉冲辐射,其实验方法如下:用斩波调制频率为1 Hz的斩波器调制温度为120 ℃的黑体辐射,将被调制的辐射照射在工作于10 μA恒流下的像元表面,测量像元正向压降的变化即可测得热响应时间。图9为利用黑体辐射斩波法测得的二极管型红外焦平面像元正向压降与时间的关系,可以看出当黑体辐射照射到像元时,像元的正向压降减小。根据国标,像元正向压降减小到总变化量的63%时所需要的时间即为像元的热响应时间。通过波形可以得出像元的热响应时间为78 ms。由于被像元吸收的黑体辐射功率无法测得,故该方法无法进一步测出器件的热导和热容。从表中数据可以看出:电学方法测得的像元实测值与理论计算值较吻合,存在的细微偏差主要是由于器件加工工艺引起。黑体辐射斩波法所测得的热响应时间远大于电学等效法测试值与理论计算值,这是由于斩波器的斩波过程存在机械延迟,导致产生的脉冲辐射不是一个理想方波,从而引入了较大测量误差。

    表 2 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元热学参数的实测值和理论计算值、以及与黑体辐射斩波法测试值

    Table 2 Measured values, theoretical values and the measured values by the blackbody chopper method of thermal parameters of the diode type infrared focal plane array pixel

    热导/ (W/K)6.19×10-86.70×10-8
    热容/ (J/K)1.36×10-91.49×10-9
    图 9

    图 9 利用黑体辐射斩波法测得的二极管型红外焦平面像元正向压降与时间的关系

    Fig. 9 Relation of time to forward voltage drop of diode type infrared focal plane pixel by the blackbody chopper method

  • 4 结论

    本文基于二极管型红外热探测器的热平衡理论,结合二极管自身的电学特性,并利用探测器的自热效应,设计了一种二极管型红外热探测器热学参数的测试电路;基于热学参数的电学等效测试原理,详细分析了测试过程中的理想测试工作点与误差来源,进而提出了一种精确有效的测试方法。采用该方法,对自制的一款二极管型红外焦平面阵列像素进行了热容、热导和热响应时间的测试,实测结果分别为1.49×10-9 J/K、6.70×10-8 W/K和22.1 ms。测试结果表明:热学参数可通过测量探测器在脉冲功率下的正向压降变化获得,且可通过控制测试条件来保证所需的热学参数测试精度。该测试方法在测试过程中只需要基本的电学激励,无需外加脉冲红外激光等光学激励,从而极大地简化了测试系统,降低了测试操作的复杂度。有利于精确便捷地获得二极管型红外热探测器的热学参数,指导探测器的性能评估与结构优化。

  • References

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      Rogalski A. Recent progress in infrared detector technologies [J]. Infrared Physics & Technology, 2011, 54: 136-154.

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      Vollmer M, Möllmann K P. Infrared thermal imaging: fundamentals, research and applications[M]. John Wiley & Sons, 2017.

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      Malyarov V G, Khrebtov I A, Kulikov Yu V, et al. Comparative investigations of bolometric properties of thin-film structures based on vanadium dioxide and amorphous hydrated silicon[J]. Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering, Moscow, 1999, 3819: 136-142.

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      Hanson C. Uncooled thermal imaging at Texas Instruments[J]. Proceedings of SPIE, 1993, 2020: 330-339.

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      Graf A, Arndt M, Sauer M, et.al. Review of micromachined thermopiles for infrared detection, Measurement Science and Technology, 2007, 18: 59-75.

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      Waves, 朱慧慧, 冯飞, 王跃林, 等. 二极管型红外焦平面阵列的噪声分析及结构优化设计. 红外与毫米波学报) 2015, 34(6): 647-653.

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      Fujisawa D, Ogawa S, Hata H, et.al. Multi-color imaging with silicon-on-insulator diode uncooled infrared focal plane array using through-hole plasmonic metamaterial absorbers [C]. In 2015 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2015, 905-908.

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      JIANG Wen- Jing, OU Wen, MING An- Jie, et al. Design and analysis of a high fill-factor SOI diode uncooled infrared focal plane array[J]. J. Micromech. Microeng, 2013, 23: 065004.

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      Selim E, Tanrikulu M Y, Deniz S T, et al. A low-cost small pixel uncooled infrared detector for large focal plane arrays using a standard CMOS process[J]. Proc. SPIE Infrared Detectors Focal Plane Arrays VII, 2002, 4721: 111-121.

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      National Standardization Technical Committee. GB/T 13584-2011 Measuring methods for parameters of infrared detectors [S]. Beijing:

      China Standard press.(中华人民共和国国家监督局. GB/T 13584-2011. 红外探测器参数测试方法. 北京:中国标准出版社),2011-12-30.

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      Yeong M C, Jin S S, Thunter H. Parameter extraction of resistive thermal sensors [J]. Sensors and Actuators A, 1996, 55: 43-47.

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      LIU Zi- Ji, LV Jian, ZHENG Xing, et.al. An improved test and analyze method for microbolometer thermal performances [J]. J. Infrared Millim.

      Waves, 刘子骥, 吕坚, 郑兴, 等. 一种优化的微测热辐射计热学参数性能测试分析方法. 红外与毫米波学报) 2012, 31(2): 183-187.

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      Takashima N, and Kimura M. Diode temperature sensor with the output voltage proportional to the absolute temperature and its application to the thin film Pirani Vacuum Sensor [C].The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2007, 2197–2202.

    • 20

      ZHANG Qiang, LIU Rui-Wen, LV Wen-Long, et al. Analysis and optimization of the voltage temperature coefficient of a thermodiode uncooled infrared focal plane array [J]. Micronanoelectronic Technology, (张强, 刘瑞文, 吕文龙, 等. 非制冷热敏二极管型红外焦平面阵列电压温度系数的分析与优化. 微纳电子技术) 2018, 55(9): 617-624.

    • 21

      Samtia S, Guha P K, Ali S Z, et al. Silicon on insulator diode temperature sensor–A detailed analysis for ultra-high temperature operation [J]. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2010, 10(5): 997-1002.


机 构:

1. 中国科学院微电子研究所 集成电路先导工艺研发中心,北京 100029

2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049


1. Integrated Circuit Advanced Process R&D Center, Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China

2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

邮 箱:liuchao@ime.ac.cn

作者简介:(Biography):刘超(1993-), 男, 四川广安人, 博士研究生,主要研究领域为非制冷红外焦平面阵列探测器测试及故障诊断. E-mail: liuchao@ime.ac.cn


机 构:

1. 中国科学院微电子研究所 集成电路先导工艺研发中心,北京 100029

3. 无锡物联网创新中心有限公司,江苏 无锡,214028


1. Integrated Circuit Advanced Process R&D Center, Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China

3. Wuxi Innovation Center for Internet of Things, Wuxi 214028,China


机 构:

1. 中国科学院微电子研究所 集成电路先导工艺研发中心,北京 100029

2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049

3. 无锡物联网创新中心有限公司,江苏 无锡,214028


1. Integrated Circuit Advanced Process R&D Center, Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China

2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

3. Wuxi Innovation Center for Internet of Things, Wuxi 214028,China

角 色:通讯作者

Role:Corresponding author

邮 箱:fujianyu@ime.ac.cn



机 构:中国科学院微电子研究所 集成电路先导工艺研发中心,北京 100029

Affiliation:Integrated Circuit Advanced Process R&D Center, Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China

角 色:通讯作者

Role:Corresponding author

邮 箱:fujianyu@ime.ac.cn



机 构:

1. 中国科学院微电子研究所 集成电路先导工艺研发中心,北京 100029

2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049


1. Integrated Circuit Advanced Process R&D Center, Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China

2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China


机 构:

1. 中国科学院微电子研究所 集成电路先导工艺研发中心,北京 100029

2. 中国科学院大学,北京 100049

3. 无锡物联网创新中心有限公司,江苏 无锡,214028


1. Integrated Circuit Advanced Process R&D Center, Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China

2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

3. Wuxi Innovation Center for Internet of Things, Wuxi 214028,China

热导/ (W/K)6.19×10-86.70×10-8
热容/ (J/K)1.36×10-91.49×10-9

图 1 二极管型红外热探测器热学参数测试电路示意图

Fig. 1 The testing circuit schematic of thermal parameters for the diode type infrared thermal detector

图 2 归一化大自热功率与归一化正向压降的理论关系

Fig. 2 Theoretical relationship between normalized self-heating power and normalized forward voltage drop

图 3 探测器的热容相对误差、正向压降变化率与归一化大自热功率时间的关系

Fig. 3 Relation of the relative error of heat capacity of the detector and the rate of change of forward voltage drop to the normalized big self-heating power time

图 4 (a) 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元的三维结构图,(b) 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元的扫描电子显微镜图

Fig. 4 (a) Three-dimensional structure of diode type infrared focal plane array pixel, (b) The scanning electron micrograph of the diode type infrared focal plane array pixel

表 1 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元的结构尺寸和材料

Table 1 The structure size and material of the diode type infrared focal plane array pixel

图 5 在不同可变电阻阻值下,二极管型红外焦平面像元自热功率和正向压降与时间的关系

Fig. 5 Relation of time and self-heating power to forward voltage drop of the diode type infrared focal plane pixel at the different resistance values

图 6 二极管型红外焦平面像元热容与大自热功率时间的关系

Fig. 6 Relation of thermal capacity to time of big self-heating power of the diode type infrared focal plane pixel

图 7 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元正向压降与温度的关系

Fig. 7 Relation of forward voltage drop to temperature of the diode type infrared focal plane array pixel

图 8 二极管型红外焦平面像元热导与小自热功率的关系

Fig. 8 Relation of thermal conductance to small self-heating power of the diode type infrared focal plane pixel

表 2 二极管型红外焦平面阵列像元热学参数的实测值和理论计算值、以及与黑体辐射斩波法测试值

Table 2 Measured values, theoretical values and the measured values by the blackbody chopper method of thermal parameters of the diode type infrared focal plane array pixel

图 9 利用黑体辐射斩波法测得的二极管型红外焦平面像元正向压降与时间的关系

Fig. 9 Relation of time to forward voltage drop of diode type infrared focal plane pixel by the blackbody chopper method

image /












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