上海理工大学 光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海 200093
School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China
Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (51705326, 52075339)
张磊,王天棋,范彦平.一维受限水和体相水中O-H键动力学的红外光谱分析[J].红外与毫米波学报,2025,44(1):79~86]. ZHANG Lei, WANG Tian-Qi, FAN Yan-Ping. Infrared spectroscopic analysis of O-H bond dynamics in one-dimensional confined water and bulk water[J]. J. Infrared Millim. Waves,2025,44(1):79~86.]