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投稿时间:2024-04-24  修订日期:2024-06-07  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 81
全文下载次数: 67
谭启广* 华北光电技术研究所 13671289470@139.com 
李忠贺 华北光电技术研究所  
张轶 华北光电技术研究所  
曹凌霞 华北光电技术研究所  
中文摘要:裂片及串音问题限制了锑化铟(InSb)焦平面探测器向更大面阵规模、更小像元间距的发展。报道了采用分立感光像元的InSb焦平面探测器的试验研究结果。制备了阵列规模为320×256、像元间距为30 μm的InSb红外探测器,测得其信号响应均值为441.112 mV,噪声均值为1.729 mV。此阵列分立,缓解了裂片及串音问题,可靠性高且填充率较高。相较于键合硅片后刻蚀形成分立像元的方式,该方法不存在硅片对入射光信息的吸收损失,且制作工艺简单。
中文关键词:红外焦平面探测器  InSb  分立
Design and Fabrication of an InSb Infrared Focal Plane Detector
Abstract:The problems of splintering and crosstalk limit the development of indium antimonide (InSb) focal plane detectors to larger array sizes and smaller pixel pitches. The experimental results of an InSb focal plane detector using discrete photosensitive pixels are reported. An InSb infrared detector with an array size of 320×256 and a pixel pitch of 30 μm is prepared, and the average signal response value is measured to be 441.112 mV and the average noise value is measured to be 1.729 mV. This array is discrete, which alleviates the problems of splintering and crosstalk, and has high reliability and high filling rate. Compared with the method of bonding silicon wafers and then etching to form discrete pixels, this method does not have the absorption loss of incident light information by silicon wafers, and the manufacturing process is simple.
keywords:infrared focal plane detector  indium antimonide  discrete
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