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投稿时间:2020-08-19  修订日期:2020-08-27  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 632
全文下载次数: 426
王玮超* 洛阳建工集团有限公司 whqcust@163.com 
中文摘要:为适应不同类型建筑的红外非接触式安全与质量检测需求,针对像元尺寸为14 μm×14 μm的1024×768元高性能非制冷长波红外探测器,采用变倍组光焦度为负值、补偿组光焦度为正值的正组补偿结构形式,并合理分配各组透镜的光焦度,设计了一种焦距为30~180 mm、工作波段为8~12 μm、 F数为1.2的大变倍比非制冷红外连续变焦成像光学系统,然后对其成像效果进行了分析。结果表明,该系统在变焦过程中成像质量良好,在探测器36 1p/mm特征频率处的光学调制传递函数(Modulation Transfer Function, MTF)值大于0.3,满足应用需求。
中文关键词:建筑工程  质量检测  光学设计  连续变焦系统
Design of Infrared Thermal Imaging Optical System for Construction Quality Inspection of Buildings
Abstract:In order to adapt to safety and quality inspection requirements of different types of constructions based on the infrared non-contact method, a large zoom-ratio uncooled infrared continuous zoom imaging optical system with a focal length of 30-180 mm is designed based on a new type of high-performance uncooled longwave infrared detector whose resolution is 1024×768,and pixel size is 14 μm×14 μm. The system uses positive group compensation structure whose variable times group focal degree is negative and compensation group focal degree is positive, and distributes the focal degree of each lens group reasonably as well. Its operating band is 8-12 μm, and F number is 1.2. The imaging effect of the system is analyzed, and the results show that the system has a good image quality in the zoom process, and the MTF value at the detector characteristic frequency 36 1p/mm is greater than 0.3, which meets the application requirements.
keywords:construction engineering  quality inspection  optical design  continuous zoom system
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