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投稿时间:2020-07-25  修订日期:2020-08-31  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1412
全文下载次数: 782
李冬冰* 华北光电技术研究所 56069340@qq.com 
徐长彬 陆军装备部驻北京地区第二军事代表室  
于小兵 华北光电技术研究所  
王晓龙 华北光电技术研究所  
付志凯 华北光电技术研究所  
中文摘要:介绍了高光谱用红外探测器的性能及使用情况,并将其与国外同类型高光谱红外探测器的关键指标(如信噪比、暗电流、读出噪声等)进行了对比测试分析。经过衬底去除工艺,短波探测器的光谱响应达到0.4~2.6 μm,平均量子效率超过75%,动态范围内响应线性度拟合曲线的R2值都大于 0.99,半阱信噪比可达到1600。该探测器的性能超过了国外报道的同类器件,满足我国高光谱应用需求。
中文关键词:高光谱  信噪比  衬底去除
Study on the performance of high-spectrum infrared detector
Abstract:In this paper, the performance and application of hyperspectral infrared detector are introduced. Compared with the same type of foreign hyperspectral infrared detector, such as signal-to-noise ratio, dark current and readout noise, the spectral response of short wave detector reaches 0.4-2.6 μm and the average quantum efficiency is more than 75% after substrate removal process 99, and the half well signal-to-noise ratio can reach 1600. The performance is better than that reported by similar devices abroad and can meet the hyperspectral application in China.
keywords:high-spectrum  SNR  substrate removal
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