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投稿时间:2011-10-29  修订日期:2011-10-29  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 1317
全文下载次数: 1482
王忆锋* 昆明物理研究所 wangyifeng63@qq.com 
刘黎明 昆明物理研究所  
余连杰 昆明物理研究所  
胡为民 昆明物理研究所  
中文摘要:通过对近年来的部分英文文献进行归纳与分析,介绍了碲镉汞 (Hg1-xCdxTe, MCT)非本征掺杂的研究进展。MCT非本征掺杂是指杂质为Hg、Cd或Te以 外的其他元素的情况。描述了MCT晶体结构的基本概念。以一些常用杂质的性质为重点,讨论了MCT掺 杂的基本原理和对杂质的选择方法。在器件设计中控制杂质的空间分布和浓度是十分重要的。
中文关键词:碲镉汞  红外探测器  非本征掺杂
Research Progress of Extrinsic Doping of Mercury Cadmium Telluride Materials
Abstract:The research progress of extrinsic doping of mercury cadmium telluride (Hg1-xCdxTe, MCT) materials in recent years is presented. The extrinsic doping of MCT refers to that an impurity doped is the element other than Hg, Cd or Te. The basic concept of a MCT crystal structure is described. The fundamental principles of MCT doping and the methods for selecting dopant are discussed, with an emphasis on the properties of some common dopant. In the design of a MCT detector, the control of the space distribution and concentration of a dopant is very important.
keywords:mercury cadmium telluride  infrared detector  extrinsic doping
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