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投稿时间:2024-12-24  修订日期:2025-01-08  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 35
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余健雄 南昌航空大学 红谷滩区丰和南大道696号南昌航空大学前湖校区
何雨伦 南昌航空大学 
黄彬 南昌航空大学 
刘翔 南昌航空大学 
杜海伟* 南昌航空大学 红谷滩区丰和南大道696号南昌航空大学前湖校区
中文关键词:太赫兹  隧道扫描显微  近场  Simmons模型:隧穿电流
Analysis of properties of tunneling current in the THz-STM based on the Simmons model
Abstract:The coupling of ultrashort terahertz (THz) pulses into the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) technology can make this technology with high spatial-temporal resolution, so as to play a greater role in material surface imaging, performance diagnosis and testing. Based on Simmons model, the principle of THz-STM is introduced and the factors affecting the tunneling current are analyzed. The influence of THz pulse and work function of samples on the potential barrier and tunneling current are studied in detail with numerical calculations. Particularly, the relationships between THz pulse (including its duration and phase), work function of samples, and threshold of tunneling current are discussed. It is found that the tunneling current is the period function of the phase of THz pulse. There is a threshold for the coupling of the THz and DC field, which is related to the material work function. The tunneling current is the linear function of the THz field above this threshold. It will decrease with an oscillation state and then tread to stable when the duration of the THz pulse increases. This work will help understand the mechanism of THz-STM experimental setup and might offer a reference for the related experiments.
keywords:terahertz  scanning tunneling microscopy  near-field  Simmons model  tunneling current
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