The principle and experiment study on two color false CLLL TV system were carried out. Two color detection technology, the best matching color filtering technology and false color technology trying to display natural color of the scene in daylight were studied in depth. Results show that through the fusion of infrared and low light level images, the image resolution and the probability by which the scene objects were discovered and discriminated by human eyes can be increased significantly.
柏连发 陈钱.红外与微光图像融合技术研究[J].红外与毫米波学报,1999,18(1):47~52]. BAI Lian-Fa, CHEN Qian, KONG Jie, ZHANG Bao-Min. FUSION TECHNOLOGY FOR INFRARED AND LOW LIGHT LEVEL IMAGES[J]. J. Infrared Millim. Waves,1999,18(1):47~52.]