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投稿时间:2009-01-15  修订日期:2009-02-11  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 6997
全文下载次数: 0
范茂彦* 玉溪师范学院 玉溪市红塔区星云路17号 C8-301
中文关键词:非制冷  红外  搀杂钛酸锶钡  厚膜  焦平面探测器
Study on array of silicon-based uncooled hybrid focal plane detector
Abstract:Abstract: A thick film array of high sensitive UFPA detector, with 32×48 units, is described in this paper. A silicon-based micromachining capacitive pixel structure of infrared detector is provided, with the doped (Ba, Sr) TiO3 (BST) thick film as sensitive material. The operation principle of pixel structure, optimum design of detector performance and fabrication process is analyzed, and then the optimal structure parameters are obtained. The key factors that affect the detector performance are described, and the basic physical and electrical parameters of ferroelectric materials that the detector needs are given. In addition, the heat insulation technique and the corresponding parameters are provided. The capacitance increment of pixel for this structure is approximately equal to that of infrared detector with equivalent sensitive area, and then the parasitic capacitance between the pixel and substrate electrode lead is reduced. It is easy to design the integrated circuit because the infrared detector with this structure needs only low precision for the circuit. This design idea for array structure of infrared matches the development trend of structure design of infrared focal plane pixel with large array, which paves the way to develop new UFPA detector.
keywords:Uncoolded  Infrared  doped (Ba, Sr)TiO3 (BST)  Thick films  Focal plane detector
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