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投稿时间:2024-11-25  修订日期:2024-12-10  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 132
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崔林丽* 上海市生态气象和卫星遥感中心 上海市闵行区莘浜路555号
郭巍 上海市生态气象和卫星遥感中心 
史军 上海市生态气象和卫星遥感中心 
陈旻豪 上海市海洋气象台 
中文关键词:FY-3E/WindRAD  洋面风场  产品检验  台风应用  浮标站观测
FY-3E/WindRAD wind field products inspection and typhoon adaptability evaluation
Abstract:Satellite wind field inversion plays an important role in numerical forecasting, such as the construction of initial field and the research of typhoon, high-altitude jet stream and water vapor transport. The accuracy of wind field products of FY-3E Wind field measurement radar (WindRAD) was checked by using the observation data of sea surface wind field at 3 ocean buoy stations belonging to Shanghai Meteorological Bureau and similar satellite products at home and abroad, and the application capability of FY-3E WindRAD was evaluated with 2 typhoons affecting Shanghai areas since June 2022. The results showed that FY-3E/WindRAD could describe the basic wind circle structure characteristics of typhoon well, and, the wind speed inversion results of FY-3E/WindRAD could basically meet the precision requirements of business applications compared with the measured results of buoy stations. The information of typhoon circle structure and maximum wind speed obtained from FY-3E/WindRAD was in good consistent with the inversion results of similar international wind fields in time evolution. The research results of this paper have important reference value for the application and analysis of wind products of FY-3E wind field measurement radar (WindRAD).
keywords:FY-3E/WindRAD  Ocean surface wind fields  Product inspection  Typhoon application  Buoy observation
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