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投稿时间:2009-03-24  修订日期:2009-04-15  点此下载全文
摘要点击次数: 6406
全文下载次数: 329
林逸平 上海海事大学 上海市浦东新区浦东大道1550号上海海事大学外语楼310
沈轶军 中国海事局 
许开宇* 上海海事大学 上海市浦东大道1550号上海海事大学科技处
Research on infrared radiation characteristics of the small target in the complexity of the marine environment and image simulation
Abstract:Small target detection is a hot issue in today's research.Based on the infrared analysis of the background and the target characteristics,the infrared simulation can be used as small target detection research base,and also as the target detection simulation platform structure.Based on the thermal model of a small target ,the sea background surface radiation model and the atmospheric propagation model of infrared radiation is discussed in this paper. Then, the infrared radiation , the atmospheric transmission rate of a small target is calculated. In the end , the infrared image simulation of a small target including atmosphere transmission is obtained, and it achieves good result.
keywords:small target,sea background,infrared radiation,infrared image simulation
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